Creating An Outstanding Nursing Dissertation In 7 Steps

A lot of people say dissertations can be written by anybody, agreed. However, it should be noted that an outstanding nursing dissertation can only be written by somebody who is very much organized. Most of these skills that help students to be organized are usually acquired throughout the period of their course. Struggling with your nursing assignments? Seek the support of online resources that specialize in nursing homework help to assist you in achieving academic excellence. While a few will struggle to write their papers, others will be able to do theirs with little or no stress. So, if you have the desire to create papers that are outstanding and will end up giving you good grades, here are a few steps that will help you as you work towards satisfying all requirements to become a nurse. They are as follows:

  • Creating the Title: This is the first step in creating that outstanding dissertation and as such, this part of the paper should be written in clear and concise language. It is that part of the paper that briefly tells the writer’s audience what the paper is all about and the core intent of the project.
  • Abstract: This step is geared towards briefly giving a description of the entire content of the paper being written. Just like the title, it is usually written in clear and concise form. Areas to touch on this page include the study description, problem statement, methodology used, results of the research etc. It acts as a form of summary page.
  • Introduction: This step explains to the readers of the dissertation paper why the research was undertaken in the first instance. It goes further to outline the core problem(s) being researched and why it is important to investigate the problem(s). There is also a description of the nature of the research and what the student hopes to achieve through the study.
  • Problem Statement etc: This step tells the readers of the paper more about the problem on which the paper is being written, the aims and objectives that inspired the study of such problem, significance and of course, limitations of the study.
  • Methodology: This part of the dissertation explains the methods the writer employed in the course of the research. This includes the method used in data collection, how data analysis was carried out and the method used in accessing literature reviewed.
  • Literature Review: This section tells about other existing works or theories established on the same topic being researched. Certain issues of the existing theories are analyzed in this section. Any gaps found in those theories are also discussed under literature review.
  • Results: This part of a dissertation contains various elements of the study including a summation of the methodology used, concise description of the population used and samples. In a nutshell, it explains the findings of the research or study.

These seven steps listed above finally brings the writer to the Interpretations and Recommendations section where he or she discusses the implications surrounding the nursing practice and subsequent recommendations.


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